Hopipharm 2019 / Johnny BENEY presents MediScreen,
Detection of patients at risk of adverse drug events
Johnny BENEY (Hopital du Valais, Sion Switzerland) once again called upon by the Hopipharm organization, describes the new progress of the Mediscreen project, carried out with PharmaClass
Hopipharm 2019 – MediScreen
Swiss return with the Pharmaclass* solution
Johnny Beney, Head Pharmacist at the Valais Hospital in Sion, Switzerland, shared his feedback with Keenturtle’s Pharmaclass* expert system. This clinical pharmacy tool, compatible with all information systems, targets and alerts in real time to the risks of adverse drug events (ADR) on the basis of rules defined by users (cf dispatch of 02/14/2018 at 17: 12).
In this Swiss hospital which operates in global dispensation, pharmacists do not see the prescriptions. A list of 25 high criticality rules to identify the patients most at risk has been integrated. The software is interfaced with the patient file and it studies the files based on these rules. This triggers an alert sent to pharmacists. In 11 months, 2,600 alerts were generated, including 686 technical false positives. Of 1,959, 216 were relevant and in 205 cases, the pharmacist intervened with the doctor and 86% of the pharmaceutical interventions led to a modification of the treatment.
“Out of 10 risk situations, the pharmacist intervenes once in 10 on average,” he said. The average positive predictive value is 11%.
In France, the system is used by five hospitals, at the University Hospitals of Lille, Amiens and Nancy and in the Hospitals of Lunéville and Valenciennes. “We are still in the evangelization phase, but some are about to go into routine,” said David Vandecapelle, Keenturtle’s sales manager, interviewed by APMnews.