Hopipharm Congress 2020

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The Hopipharm 2020 congress could not take place this year in Strasbourg due to COVID-19

Nevertheless, the e-presentations of the selected papers are published on the Synprefh website.

http://www.synprefh.org/CONGRESSION AREA section / HOPIPHARM / Hopipharm Archives

AVICENA (PharmaClass®) e-Presentation for Recovering from Drug Therapy Related Issues:

Thrombo-prophylaxis and evolution of renal function

Publication of results over: 125 days for 71 algorithms

40 serious adverse drug events (ADRs), targeted by PharmaClass®

1500+ alerts and 540 Pharmaceutical Interventions

1 Hospital center of Lunéville 54300 LUNEVILLE France
2 University hospital center of Nancy 54000 NANCY France
3 Grand East Health regional agency 54000 NANCY France

Conclusion of the study of the Hopipharm Congress 2020

AVICENNA (PharmaClass®) optimizes thromboprophylaxis for patients. The pharmaceutical analysis is reinforced in its relevance. AVICENNA makes it possible to recover PLPs that are difficult to detect. It triggers a pharmaceutical analysis according to the evolution of the clinical-biological situation of the patient and not only during a new medical prescription.

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